Tips for the Garden: August

Tips for the Garden
- August-

The mornings are getting cooler and fall is in the air!

There’s still time to plant perennials and get them established before frost. It’s also a great time to plant trees and shrubs for color, shade, and added interest in your landscape for years to come.

  • Be careful with watering this time of year. Temperature changes can disrupt your normal watering routine. Cooler temps and overcast skies often mean plants need less water, but late season heat and drought are still possible. Check soil moisture before watering, and keep a close eye on new plantings.

  • Continue weeding and deadheading for a beautiful landscape that lasts late into the season. Do a little each day so the task doesn’t become overwhelming. It’s also a great chance to get out and enjoy the yard.

  • Add late season color to your garden with fall-blooming perennials like rudbeckia (black eyed susan), echinacea (coneflower), or chelone (turtlehead). Fall also means mum season! Keep your eyes peeled for vibrant fall blooms coming to the greenhouse - ornamental peppers, cabbage, kale, asters, zinnias, pansies, and more!

Kay Eagleson