Tips for the Garden: July

Tips for the Garden
- July -

It’s summertime in Indiana and that means temps are rising! Watering and maintenance are key this time of year to keep your landscape looking its best.

  • Watering is critical for all plants, but especially those that have been planted in the last 3 years. Their root system isn’t as well established and they’ll need extra support when we enter the hot, dry weeks of summer. Check out our post on Watering New Plants for more detailed instructions.

  • Keep an eye out for pests, diseases, and fungi. As plants stress in the heat, they’re more susceptible to these pesky garden invaders. It’s always better to catch and treat a problem early, so stay on the lookout for anything happening in your yard!

  • Continue fertilizing annuals to ensure all-season blooms. Trees, shrubs, and perennials should only be fertilized sparingly, if at all, once we enter the summer. Fertilizing this time of year could encourage new growth that won’t have time to harden off before the cold winter months and result in damage or die back. Wait until plants go dormant in fall, usually around October, to fertilize again.

  • Deadhead annuals and perennials to promote continued flowering. Spring-flowering shrubs should be trimmed by mid-month to avoid cutting off the buds for next year’s flowers.

  • As you enjoy your garden and host summer gatherings, you can feel free to continue touching up and adding to your landscape. Summer is still a good time to plant, so long as you’re willing to give your new plants extra watering support!

Kay Eagleson