Tips for the Garden: November

Tips for the Garden: November

It’s time to start winding down for the year. Focus on winterizing your yard to protect plants and other landscape features for the next season.

Once plants are dormant, apply winterizer and late-season fertilization. You can apply a winterizer to your lawn as well.

Apply anti-desiccant to more delicate plantings, like Japanese maples. Follow label instructions or come into the garden center for advice.

If you have a water feature, make sure it is properly winterized before a hard freeze occurs. Pots and containers should also be turned over, covered, or brought inside to prevent cracking.

You can also finish planting spring bulbs, cleaning up beds, and covering any bare ground with mulch or another form of protection - use fallen leaves for a natural mulch alternative and an overwinter shelter for insects, so long as plants are healthy and no disease is present.

For a splash of color, add holiday greenery and pots to the landscape to keep things looking fresh for the holidays! Remember to keep them hydrated and cool to maintain freshness and keep them looking nice late into the season.

Kay Eagleson