Tips for the Garden: October
Tips for the Garden: October
It’s time to start putting the garden to bed - cleaning and protecting your landscape for the season ahead.
Cut back perennials as they go dormant, pick up debris from the growing season, and refresh mulch - paying extra care to new plantings, avoid bare soil for best winter protection.
Buy spring bulbs, like tulips and daffodils, and plant outside towards the end of the month when temperatures are more reliably cool.
Pull mums and tender annual planters inside a garage or other protected space when there is a frost warning.
Don’t forget to keep up on watering. Even though temperatures are dropping, plants still need water to end the season strong. Check the soil around your plant for moisture, and give it a drink if it feels dry. Plants can struggle to overwinter if they’re too dry going into dormancy.
Apply Fertilome Winterizer to your lawn in October or November.
Trees and shrubs can be planted until the ground freezes. Take advantage of great end-of-season deals you’ll enjoy for years to come.
Pro Tip:
Many evergreens shed during this time of the year. Interior needles will brown and fall off. Don’t worry, this is a natural part of their lifecycle. If you aren’t sure if your tree is shedding naturally, or struggling with a disease or other issue, feel free to come in or call the garden shop. We’re happy to help!