4 and 6 step program for your lawn
One of the best traits about your outdoor space is your lawn, however keeping your lawn beautiful can be daunting. Between the product knowledge, application time and rates, storage of product it can be a real hassle. At Sundown Gardens we take care of all the hard parts for you and can help you have the best lawn in the neighborhood. We offer a great lawn program in 4 or 6 steps throughout the year that will ensure a wonderful healthy lawn. Our video (click here) will explain all the steps in brief, however this article will provide more details on the product and application times.
Step 1 - Crabgrass Preventer
Step 1 is a pre - emergent herbicide that will stop the germination of crabgrass in your yard. When applied the product will not allow the crabgrass seed to germinate, with no germination there will be no crabgrass early in the season. This step is very proactive, eliminating weed pressure for the season. Apply when soil temperatures are approaching 55 degrees. Usually late March to early April.
Step 2 - Weed and Feed
Step 2 is a great early season product by the name of weed and feed. True to its name this product will help eliminate broadleaf weeds while also providing the key nutrients your lawn needs to start its growing season. Apply in late April to early May your lawn will benefit greatly!
Step 3 - Classic Lawn Food
Step 3 is a high nitrogen slow release fertilizer that will provide your lawn with the food it needs for up to 2 months. Apply in mid-June to early July helps ensure the grass is well into growing season and weeds are less prevalent.
Step 4 - Grub Free Zone (6 step program only)
Step 4 is a granular insecticide that will kill all pest living subsurface in your lawn before they can cause damage. Grubs especially can cause major root damage to your lawn that will leave a lasting impact. Other pests controlled (including the larvae of Japanese Beetle, Oriental Beetle, Chafers, Asiatic Garden Beetle, May or June Beetles, and Black Turfgrass Ataenius) and Mole Crickets. Apply in late June to mid-July.
Step 5 - Lawn Food plus Iron (6 step program only)
Step 5 is a cleated iron product with nitrogen to help green your yard up fast and keep it green through the rest of the season. This product helps ensure the lawn stays green into the fall time and ensures a healthy stand into the winter season. This product is applied in fall, September to first of October.
Step 6 - Winterizer
Step 6 is a critical step to ensure the lawn can over winter properly. Applying this product will help you have a jump start to the season next year. Winterizer will build hardiness of the lawn, stem strength and disease resistance. Apply late into the fall, October to first of November
At Sundown Gardens we also offer the customer the opportunity to purchase the entire program and we will store all the products for you until it is time to apply. When the time is right we will call you and give you specific application instructions. This makes it EASY on you!